Todos los temas compuestos, interpretados, grabados y producidos por Edu Campoy M.


Letra - It´s easier to talk in the dark. (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - Addicted to lies - (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - Who´s afraid of the light in the morning? (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - Guardian angel - (V.E.N! - Virtual Emotions Network)

Letra - Starry dark glassed nymph - (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - Hungry wolves - (V.E.N ! - Do you need a hero?)

Letra - Urban beehives - (V.E.N ! - Do you need a hero?)

Letra - Everybody has seen the light (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - Floating islands (V.E.N ! - Do you need a hero?)

Letra - One night without God - (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - The pink bicycle (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - The flags of the enemy (V.E.N ! - The misfit´s land)

Letra - Nothing. Maybe pain kills? (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra - Dreaming with flying saucers - (VEN ! - Do you need a hero?)

Letra - This is not your time (V.E.N ! - Do you need a hero?)

Letra - Tuning in (V.E.N! - The invisible musician)

Letra - The jungle of the chosen (V.E.N! - The invisible musician)

Letra - Magic roses tattoos (V.E.N! - The invisible musician)

Letra - Acid rain paddle (V.E.N! - The invisible musician)

Letra - Restless soul (V.E.N! - The invisible musician)

Letra - I´s too late to be afraid (V.E.N! - The invisible musician)

Letra - You killed my love (V.E.N! - Virtual Emotions Network)

Letra - Visit time - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra- The last call - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra - A night at the car´s cemetery - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra - Carved wood dreams - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra - In your mind - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra - Silent trip - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra- False doors - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

Letra - I am walking - (V.E.N ! - Do you need a hero?)

Letra - Ether - (V.E.N ! - Visit time)

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